TP - Bogie Insulated Van

In 1958 two _T__ insulated vans were converted to high speed bogies. The traffic was for fast goods running between Melbourne and Mildura, 400 miles to the north west ofMelbourne. In 1959, a further three vans were converted. The vans were fitted with _C__ van type welded bogies. It can be summised that these bogies were surplus from _UP_ to _UB_ conversions

The class designation was TP, and the van numbers were 1 - 5.

Vans 1, 2 and 3 had single doors at each end of each side as well as the T van centre doors. Vans 4 and 5 only had the standard T can centre doors.

In the late 1970's the vans were fitted with "FOOD TRANSPORT ONLY" signs as health regulations required.

Vans 1 - 3 were out of service by 1983. Vans 4 and 5 were out of service in 1984.

The 1979 recoding for these vehicles was VRPY. None of the vans were recoded. Working Timetable references in 1983 show a VRPY reference despite the vans not being reclassed.

Vehicle history list