VHCF - Weighbridge Test Wagon

During 2002, ten VHCA hoppers were converted to be used as weighbridge test wagons. Differing amounts of a suitable ballast were added to each of the wagons giving various gross weights up to 100-tonnes. Judging by the stencilling, the wagons apparently retained their VHCA code for a short time, probably whilst they remained on the broad gauge which as far as is known was a trip to the Kensington flour mill for weighing on the mills weighbridge. Soon after they were converted to standard gauge and used to test the in-line weighing device(s) on the standard gauge line between Newport and North Geelong. The ten members of the class as at 2003 were VHCF 2, 3, 10, 12, 29, 39, 43, 44, 91 and 96.

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File cvhcfm compiled by Rob O'Regan