Special Stock - Overhead Inspection Car

Tait motor car 447 _M__ was removed from service during 1979. After some months in storage it was transferred to Newport Workshops for conversion to a 'greasing' car.

The 'Overhead Inspection' car started operation in 1981. The only car lettering was the external words "Overhead Inspection".

In 1983 the car running records were computerised and there was no way of describing the vehicle. The car was entered into the records as "1447M" even though it was not a motor car and 447M had been removed from service some four years earlier. References to conversion will probably give a July 1983 date, the start of "1447M" identity.

For service, 1447M is listed in consists for greaser trains but the car itself has no einternal or external markings to show this.

The car is fitted with a power generator and hydraulic equipment to lubricate the overhead wires from grease drums via a lubricating pantograph.

As grease tends to fall off the pantograph, an end catch board was installed to contain the mess.

The vehicle replaced car 3 _CM_ which performed this work from 1977 to 1980.

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File c160v16 compiled by Peter J. Vincent, updated 16/7/2007