VOSX - Coil Steel Wagon

In 1980, thirty open wagons were modified and reclassed to VOSX. Modifications included the fitting of cradles to support rolls of coil steel. The wagons were numbered 1 to 30.

The prototype wagon was VOCX 132 modified some weks prior to recoding. It became VOSX 1. The remaining wagons were converted from corrugated sided ELX_ / VOBX / VOCX wagons.

VOSX 6 was interesting. This was converted from VOBX 14, rebuilt from plain sides to corrugated side type. ELX 14 was originally in coil steel traffic in 1966 as SLX_ 8.

In 1986, five VOSX wagons were destroyed in a derailment at Hughes, South Australia. The wagons were numbers 3, 6, 7, 12 and 21. The wagons were replaced 'in kind'. Five Australian National wagons classed AOBX ( wagons similar to corrugated ELX type ) were recoded and renumbered to VOSX. AOBX 536, 567, 529, 505 and 520 were converted to the VOSX 3, 6, 7, 12 and 21 respectively.

In 1987/1988 the VOSX class was relettered to VCCX.

Vehicle history list